Pripyat school

Walking in Pripyat: school and swimming pool

School No 3 was the largest in Pripyat. Here it is in the photo before the accident

The old photo of school in Pripyat
School in Pripyat before the accident

And this is how the school No 3 in Pripyat looks like in 2017. It’s hard to believe this is the same place from the photo above. The school building is barely visible through the trees.

School in Pripyat in 2017
School No. 3 in 2017

Let’s go into the school

The school canteen is now a graveyard of gas masks

Gas masks in the school cafeteria
Gas masks in the school canteen

Lots of of textbooks, notebooks, newspapers and gas masks are scattered everywhere.

Soviet Russian language textbook for the second grade

old soviet Russian language textbook
Soviet Russian language textbook

Writing practice notebook for beginners and some books

Exercise book in school in Pripyat
Writing practice notebook

Abandoned school corridors

School hall Pripyat
Abandoned school hall
abandoned school corridor
abandoned school corridor

Everything is covered in dust

abandoned school corridor
abandoned school corridor

Thematic stand about Soviet competitions of frugality

soviet school stand
Soviet school stand

Russian language notebook by Andrey Kovalchuk

School notebook
School notebook by Kovalchuk Andrey

Forever abandoned school classroom in Pripyat

Abandoned classroom in Pripyat school
Abandoned classroom in Pripyat school

Thematic stand “Human and Nature” about the importance of water for humanity

Information stand about the importance of water
Thematic stand “Human and Nature”

An amazing artifact – a jar of mushrooms from 1984. We didn’t salt mushrooms at school.

jar of mushrooms
The jar of mushrooms from 1984

April 26 1986 was Saturday. The children were sent home early. Probably leaving, pupils put the chairs on the tables, as usually. And never returned to that class again.

Forever abandoned school class in Pripyat
Forever abandoned school class in Pripyat

Old newspapers. The school has huge amount of old Soviet newspapers, you can see the newspaper «Moloda gvardia» (Young Guard) in the photo belong.

old soviet newspaper
old soviet newspaper

It is forbidden to take out books and notebooks from the school as souvenirs, they are taken away at the checkpoint and the perpetrators must pay a large fine.

Textbook on the windowsill

The guide shows how this street looked before the Chernobyl accident

Street in Pripyat before accident
Street in Pripyat before accident

Now this street looks like this

Street in Pripyat

And the last object seen in Pripyat is the pool. The pool functioned until 1998. Station workers came here to swim.

Abandoned pool in Pripyat
Abandoned pool in Pripyat
Abandoned pool in Pripyat
Abandoned pool in Pripyat

The clock in the pool shows 1 hour and 23 minutes – the time of the Chernobyl accident.

The clock stopped at the time of the accident
The clock stopped at the time of the accident

Chornobyl zone

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