Secret soviet radar Duga

Former secret soviet object radar Duga-1

The former top-secret system Duga-1 has become a gigantic monument to the Cold War.

Object “Duga-1” is an over-the-horizon radar station for early detection of launches of intercontinental missiles. The complex located near Chernobyl, Chernobyl-2, was engaged in scanning the territory of North America during the years of the Cold War. The first test run was made in 1980.

View of the antennas from the roof in the city of Pripyat

Radar Duga
View of the antennas from the roof in the city of Pripyat

There were three such complexes in total, the other two have already been dismantled. The complex in Chernobyl-2 survived due to the fact that it ended up in the Exclusion Zone.

Radar Duga in the Chernobyl zone
Radar Duga in the Chernobyl zone

Now the administrative buildings of the complex are looted and abandoned, the antennas are protected from extreme sportsmen and metal hunters.

Radar Duga in the Chernobyl zone

Let’s take a look inside the administrative building. The building is very huge. They say that the soldiers rode bicycles here.

Administrative building of the radar Duga
Administrative building of the radar Duga
Administrative building of the radar Duga

The remnants of multiple computers of the complex are scattered everywhere. Hunters for valuable metals pulled out and gutted everything that was possible.

Cemetery of system blocks

The remains of the equipment of the Duga complex
Cemetery of system blocks
The remains of the equipment of the Duga complex
Cemetery of system blocks

Location for some post-apocalyptic story

The remains of the equipment of the Duga complex

There was a canteen for the personnel of the Duga radar complex. Soviet murals about the conquest of space have been preserved on the walls

Soviet paintings on the walls of the dining room
Soviet paintings on the walls of the dining room
Soviet paintings on the walls of the dining room
Soviet paintings on the walls of the dining room
Old mechanical scales
Old mechanical scales

The building was riddled with through ventilation ducts (holes in the floor). After the explosion of the reactor, the ventilation ducts began to suck radiation into the building, which accumulated in the server boards.

It is dark on the first floor of the building, water is dripping from the ceiling, there are mountains of garbage underfoot, beams, glass, a lot of rusty iron.

Some equipment remains undamaged. It’s some kind of remote control, I think

Remains of equipment in the Duga radar complex
Control room of the Duga radar complex
Control room of the Duga radar complex

The hall where the officers sat at the consoles in front of a large screen and watched North America.

Control room of the Duga radar complex
Control room of the Duga radar complex
Some equipment
Some equipment

This is a very secret room, which had increased protection, with the inscriptions “Top Secret”.

Very secret room
Top secret room

It must have been a server room, the whole floor is littered with printed circuit boards.

Secret room equipment

Technical manuals are handwritten in black ink.

Technical manuals
Technical manuals

It says «Top secret»

Top secret
Top secret sign

Activists of the Chernobyl zone are fighting for the inclusion of the Duga object in the UNESCO heritage fund in order to save this amazing object.

Chornobyl zone