The event Veil of Fate started at 24th of November. The event point items are Bracelet Charms.
Veil of Fate Collections:
Lady Voyance’s Tent → Open Astrology → Birth Chart
Lady Voyance’s Tent → Crystal House → Charms + Snow Ball
Snow Ball + Birth Chart → Ball of the Future or Ball of the Present or Ball of the Past
Ball of the Present → Constellations → The Big Sister → Charms
Ball of the Present → Constellations → The Chef → a large number of Charms
Ball of the Past → Maddie’s Past Items → Crafting Station + Triple Lit Candle → Lit crafting Station → Charms + Maddie Doll
Ball of the Past → Candles
Ball of the Future → Table of Fate + Maddie Doll + Birth Chart → Active Table of Fate → Taro Cards → a large number of Charms
Ball of the Past, Ball of the Present, Ball of the Future → Maddie’s Future Items → Monocycle Key → a large number of Charms
Table of contents
Charm Bracelet items. The last item is Key Charm, it brings 1000 points.

Open Astrology Book
Open Astrology Book can be found from Lady Voyance’s Tent

Birth Chart
Birth Chart can be found in Open Astrology Book

Constellations can be found in Ball of the Present. The Big Sister and The Chef produce Charms

Crystal House
Crystal House can be found from Lady Voyance’s Tent. Then it turns into the Dormant Snow Ball from which Ball of the Future or Ball of the Present can be created.

Table of Fate
Table of Fate can be found in Ball of the Future

Maddie Doll
Maddie Doll is used for the Table of Fate and can be found in Lit Crafting Station. Lit crafting Station is made from the Crafting Station.

Maddie’s Past: Crafting Station
Crafting Station you can get from the Ball of the Past

Tarot Cards
From the Active Table of Fate are created Tarot Card Backside which turns into different Tarot Cards.

Maddie’s Future
When Balls come to the end, they turn into the Maddie’s Future Items