Event Pirates of Hopewell Bay - Merge Mansion

Event Pirates of Hopewell Bay – Merge Mansion

Chains from Boulton Garage

Boulton Garage – Metal detector → coins

Boulton Garage → Metal detector → Mysterious Key

Boulton Garage → Seafaring Supplies → Treasure Map → coins

Boulton Garage → Seafaring Supplies → Treasure Map → lighthouseUltimate pirate treasurecoins

Boulton Garage → Seafaring Supplies → phone book page → Costume Store → Pirate Costume → coins

Chains from Boulton Attic

Boulton Attic → Antique Desk → coins

Boulton Attic → Fancy chest + Mysterious Key = Mysterious Chest → Pirate Captain’s Outfit → coins

Boulton Attic → Fancy chest + Mysterious Key = Mysterious Chest → Gilded Clock → coins

About Event Pirates of Hopewell Bay

At the new event Pirates of Hopewell Bay, you need to collect ancient coins and build a pirate ship on the lawn near the house.

Boulton Attic

At first, we gather the Boulton Attic room, from which various furniture fittings and furniture are obtained.

Boulton Attic
Boulton Attic

Antique Desk

Boulton AtticAntique Deskcoins

From the Boulton Attic you get the Antique Desk, which generates antique coins for us.

Antique Desk
Antique Desk

Battery Pack

Battery Pack creates from batteries. You can find them in Boulton Attic and Boulton Garage. One free battery item you can get from the shop.

How to create a Battery Pack.

Battery Pack
Battery Pack

Batteries are needed for the metal detector, which is assembled from wires from the Boulton Garage, the metal detector also finds coins, and when the metal detector runs out, it turns into a Mysterious key for a pirate Fancy chest.

Metal detector

Boulton GarageMetal detector coins

The process of creating a metal detector

How to create a Metal detector - Merge Mansion
How to create a Metal detector

Fancy chest

Boulton AtticFancy chest

The process of creating a Fancy chest.

How to create a Fancy Chest  Merge Mansion
How to create a Fancy Chest

In the screenshot below, on the right in the second row from the bottom is a metal detector, and on the left in the fifth row from the bottom is a Fancy chest.

Mysterious Key

Boulton GarageMetal detector Mysterious Key

Here is our Mysterious Key – it was obtained from a metal detector.

Pirate Captain’s Outfit

Boulton AtticFancy chest + Mysterious Key = Mysterious Chest Pirate Captain’s Outfitcoins

After we put the key in the Fancy chest, it becomes a Mysterious Chest that creates a pirate costume called Pirate Captain’s Outfit.

Pirate Captain’s Outfit also produces coins

Boulton AtticFancy chest + Mysterious Key = Mysterious ChestPocket watch

When the Mysterious Chest ends, it turns into the Pocket watch.

Boulton AtticFancy chest + Mysterious Key = Mysterious ChestGilded Clockcoins

From pocket watch you create Gilded Clock, from which you can receive a lot of coins

Seafaring Supplies

Boulton GarageSeafaring Supplies

A box called Seafaring Supplies is created from ropes, anchors, and compasses.

Seafaring Supplies
Seafaring Supplies

Treasure Map

Boulton GarageSeafaring SuppliesTreasure Map

From this box, Seafaring Supplies produces notebooks, notepads, and ultimately a Treasure Map.

Treasure Map
Treasure Map

Boulton GarageSeafaring SuppliesTreasure Maplighthouse

Treasure Map produces coins and transforms into a lighthouse.

Ultimate pirate treasure

Boulton GarageSeafaring SuppliesTreasure MaplighthouseUltimate pirate treasurecoins

From lighthouses you can create Ultimate pirate treasure, which gives you a huge amount of coins

Ultimate pirate treasure
Ultimate pirate treasure

Phone book page

Boulton GarageSeafaring Suppliesphone book page

When Seafaring Supplies runs out, it turns into a phone book page

Costume Store

Boulton GarageSeafaring Suppliesphone book pageCostume Store

From the phone book page you can create a Costume Store

Costume Store Merge Mansion
Costume Store

Pirate Costume

Boulton GarageSeafaring Suppliesphone book pageCostume StorePirate Costumecoins

Another chain of items creates Pirate Costume. Pirate Costume also produces coins. You can get Pirate Costume from the Costume Store

Pirate Costume Merge Mansion
Pirate Costume

Treasure Chest

The final item in Coins collection is Treasure Chest – 2000 points

Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest

Veil of Fate – Merge Mansion

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